Why use Pots When you Can Grow Plants in a Grow Bag
Not everyone lives in individual houses surrounded by gardens as many people live in apartments. For them, traditional gardening is not possible. Hence, they need to resort to either terrace gardening or in-house gardening. When you think of terrace gardening, there is various options to go about your love for gardening. You can either choose pots and planter boxes to grow your favourite plants. But the latest trend in home gardening is the use of plant grow bags.
What is a plant grow bag?
Unlike traditional pots and containers, plant grow bags is a growing container to help you grow your favourite plants. These bags are ideal for starting your own garden on the terrace or in your balcony. Unlike pots and other containers, these bags are extremely lightweight and easy to transport around your terrace or in your house.

The plant grow bags also provide a lot more aeration for the roots when compared to your traditional pots. These bags available in various sizes including:
- Medium
- Large
- Extra large
These bags are ideal for growing all your favourite fruits and nutritious vegetables. If you are fond of growing plants in your home, but space constraints are stopping you, then you check out these plant grow bags.
Advantages of Plant Grow Bags
When compared with pots and planter boxes, these plants grow bags come with a lot of advantages including:
- Spacious
- Highly durable
- Portable
- Unbreakable
- Cost-effective
- Lightweight
- Cost-effective
Apart from there are various benefits of using a plant grow bag as they provide healthier plant roots than any other container. This is mainly because pots lack drainage options. This could lead to rotting of roots and oxygenation problems. But with grow bags you can alleviate all these issues as excess water can easily drain from the bags preventing water stagnation.
Since plant grow bags are breathable in nature, temperature control inside the bag is handled effectively. On the other hand pots can become quite hot when exposed directly to sunlight. On plant grow bags, girdling roots issue is largely eliminated.
When not in use, you can simply fold these bags and can be stored quite easily. But in the case of pots, if they are not used, they require considerable space to be stored. These bags are biodegradable and hence they can be planted directly inside the ground. Since they are extremely lightweight, they are easy to transport as well.